


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Preaching is About "You"

Preaching is About the Audience
Preaching that is not personal is also not powerful. If I don't speak out against things that affect the people in my audience then I may as well sit down and say nothing at all. Most preachers never get this. (That was the advice [in a nutshell] I got from a wise man Sunday after evening worship.) 

He told me, "Stop speaking to next week's audience, or to yourself, or to some audience in your own mind. Speak to the people who are there. Deal with THEIR sins, THEIR problems, and THEIR issues. And tell them their problems by making it personal and using the word "You".

It stung a bit because I like to think that I already do that. But his simple question made me realize he was right: "How many times do you use the word 'You' in a sermon?" I honestly tried to avoid using it so that I would be less offensive (not that anyone is promoting deliberate offense). He called me on it and said that was my motive just like everyone else's who preaches. That motive is wrong and a disservice to the church and to my work.

Well, preachers, you need to use that word and give what is needed. Do not be contentious, but contend with the sins directly instead of indirectly.

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