


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Making An Eternal Difference

How many seeds come from one kernel of corn?

The answer completely depends on how the kernel is used. If you take a kernel and plant it, and if it grows to fruition, it will produce many more kernels. That number could easily be multiplied many times. All you have to do is plant some or all of the kernels of corn that grow from it.

Then again, it could also simply rot.

Your life is that way. You can make a powerful impact on others. You can make a difference - and a difference that actually MATTERS in the long run.

Imagine sitting in Heaven one day and a stranger approaches you. He tells you that someone you taught and baptized taught him the truth. He put two and two together and realized that you were part of the reason he was there in Heaven. How would you respond?

Do we ever have any idea what kind of impact we can have on people around us in this world? The concept both terrifies and excites me!

People do not come to Christ by accident.

If you want to make an impact on others, you have to get the Word out! The Word of God is the seed from which Christians grow. But we need to be wise in how we spread the seed.

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